Moto G 5G price and specifications were announced on Tuesday alongside the launch of the Moto G9 Power. While the latter is a reasonable smartphone with specs just like the Snapdragon 662 SoC, 6,000mAh battery, and more, the Moto G 5G specifications are a bit more high-end. The smartphone touts the Snapdragon 750G chipset, an HDR10 display, 48MP triple cameras, and more. Moto G 5G price has been revealed for the european market, but the corporate has announced that it'll release the phone in additional markets, including Asia, Latin America , and therefore the Middle East within the coming weeks.
Moto G 5G price in Europe is EUR 299 (approx Rs 26,150) making it the brand's most affordable 5G phone within the market. This price is probably going for the bottom model with 4GB RAM variant. there's a 6GB RAM option also , but the worth for that's currently unknown. The phone comes in Frosted Silver and Volcanic Grey colour options. there's no word yet on the Moto G 5G launch in India, but the phone has seemingly received the BIS certification, so we expect it to arrive soon.
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